Sunday, March 4, 2012

A bad week finished....with hope for the near future....

So I've been sick all week........the cold I brought home from vacation morphed into an ugly little sinus infection........and just found myself unable to run until today.  It absolutely killed me to be sitting it out every day, but when you can't really breathe freely, you're not going to be able to run.  Or maybe it's just me.......but I know that if I can't hold my breath for a few seconds without a coughing spasm rapidly ensuing, then there's no way I'm going to be able to put forth a real running effort.  So I waited......and waited.....

And waited........

And got more and more nervous and depressed in the process.

My appointment with the Boston Marathon is set in stone.......April 16th is not getting further away, but rather it gets closer and looms larger every day.  So every day I'm not training is another day lost.  The last time I trained for a marathon, I injured my achilles tendon and had to drastically reduce my training with several weeks remaining.  This time, I've been very fortunate to get this far through my training without any injuries.....but now I've effectively lost 1 week to vacation (although I was able to "train" on the boat") and another week to sickness.

So today, I was feeling better......but my throat was still really irritated.  As the temps were in the mid-30's, just walking around outside was difficult, so I decided to head off to the gym to get some work done in a more "controlled" environment.  Yeah.....that's right.......

The Dreadmill........

And one hour later, 6.27 miles further down the road, I'd finished my work.......and was still breathing.

So the bad week was over and the new week was ready to get week's long run is going to be 19.....the Melanoma Foundation team is going to be on the Marathon course, so I'll be able to get another crack at the Newton Hills.........can't wait!!!!

The pity party is's time to get back to serious training!


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, M......glad to see you've been doing enough pushups and situps for BOTH of us! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hopefully you're on some antibiotics. Sinus infections are the worst! I feel for you.

    My Running Shortz

    1. Hi Barbara....actually opted to tough it out with decongestants and acetominophen/ibuprofen.....and it's almost all gone now!

  3. Yes, don't mess around with sinus infections. They can bring you to your knees. You'll be fine. Can't wait to hear about the upcoming training run on the course!

  4. I'm battling a wicked head cold right now. No runs in 2 days and I'm dying! oping it is short lived. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. thanks, Jenn......hope you get over yours soon too!

  5. Sinus infections are just awful - hopefully you're at the end of it now. Take care of yourself and good luck with your 19!

    1. thanks, Michelle.....really looking forward to getting out on the course again!
